Online Course | Bundle Lighting + Storytelling


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The course „Available Lighting & Camera Settings“ gives you a good foundation in the technical basics. After that you are ready to dig deep into something that is so important: The people you capture, the genuine emotion and the stories behind. We also crafted our insights and experiences regarding storytelling into the course „Storytelling für couple photographers“. Because at the end of the day, that’s what we do: We create art that tells stories. We hope to see you in both courses!

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Available Lighting & Camera Settings 

Have you ever asked yourself which camera settings you use for challenging lighting situations? Have you ever been afraid of shooting in harsh light? Have you ever wondered why your images aren’t sharp enough? 

We certainly did…but over the years we have learned the technical aspects of image- creation so that seeing and handling light becomes more like an intuition. And here is the secret: Technical abilities, spotting great lighting and controlling is not a gift, it is a skill you can learn. This is why we created this mini course for you! 

This course is conceptualized to offer something for all experience levels. Whether you have just started with photography and want to learn the basics or whether you have been longer in the game but love a fresh perspective  – it’s full of valuable learnings and insights for everyone! We will focus on available lighting! 

This Course covers… 

  • The importance of shooting in manual 
  • The basic camera settings covering Shutter Speed, Aperture and ISO 
  • The main characteristics of light 
  • The different lightings situations and how you can use those to your advantage 
  • Our personal exact camera settings for tricky lighting situations (e.g., low lighting with movement, harsh sunlight or the sparkler exit) 
  • And, above all: Our personal tips and tricks!

What’s included: 

  • Course (30 minutes)
  • A „Cheat-Sheet“ to download on your phone with some tips for camera settings 
  • Permanent online access

With this course, we once again want to empower you, we want you to feel confident and ready in shooting in manual and become a master of seeing and handling light!


Storytelling for couple photographers 

Have you ever been stuck during your couple session? Have you ever wondered how to capture a love story with candid and authentic moments? 

We certainly did…and over the years we have learned some secrets to make our couples feel comfortable and forgetting about the camera. And you know what happens when our couples become comfortable enough to be themselves? Natural emotion. Unposed photos

This course won’t leave you with a standard list of poses to try out. Instead, we created this course to push you to approaching a new mindset when it comes to couple shootings. A mindset that lets you be a unique storyteller – because that’s what it’s all about! 

This Course covers… 

  • Our mindset and approach for couple photography 
  • How we prepare for a couple session 
  • How we build up a shooting experience and tell the story 
  • How we evoke genuine emotion and authentic moments 
  • Lots of images and above all: personal tips & tricks

What’s included:

  • Course (30 minutes) 
  • A „Cheat-Sheet“ to download on your phone to give you inspiration for your next shooting 
  • Permanent online access

We hope this course helps you to capture the real love story of two people. Because at the end of the day, that’s what matters the most: Telling the stories of couples genuinely, capturing the humanity in moments and giving them the best experience possible!